Youth Ministry
The youth ministry focuses on raising godly youths and teenagers between the ages of 13yrs to about 21yrs. The goal of the ministry is to build up the lives of these young people so that they can grow up to become bold, disciplined, diligent, intelligent, excellent and holy people, who will impact their generation positively.
Children Ministry
The Children’s church provides a platform for spiritual nourishment and growth of our children. They are led to give their lives to Christ. Lessons are taught at an age appropriate level and our children are encouraged to develop their relationship with Jesus and translate that relationship into daily living.
Drama Ministry
Our drama group is called ‘The Lively Oracles’. Our goal is to communicate kingdom truths through drama. We use drama to create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can minister truths to viewers thereby releasing them from all sorts of bondage and defeat
Other Ministries
- Singles
- Welfare
- Food pantry
- Widows
- Married
- Medical outreach
- Prison ministry