Welcome to Green Pastures Christian Centre, Calabar
Green Pastures Christian Centre is a church-based ministry created by God Almighty for the perfection of the Saints for the work of Ministry and for the edifying of the Body of Christ. – (Eph. 4:11-13).
Green Pastures Christian Centre is a kingdom-minded community where God is moulding His sons that they may in turn fill the earth with His glory as the water covers the sea. It is a church based ministry with a mandate to deliver the world and its systems from corruption and decay starting from our Jerusalem to the uttermost part of the earth.
Our Vision
Green Pastures Christian Centre is a church-based ministry created by God Almighty for the perfection of the Saints for the work of Ministry and for the edifying of the Body of Christ.
- Representing the qualities and power of Christ daily
- Living the Word of God always
- Attracting lost souls back to their Creator and Maker
Affecting our world with men, women and children overflowing with and displaying the true qualities and power of Jesus Christ.